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Tasky Associates is an independent firm of chartered accountants. We offer audit, assurance and business advisory services, as well as advice on corporate and personal tax matters.

We are one of the leading medium practices in the country and we are committed to remain of a size where continuity and personal attention still remain possible, we combine the experience and expertise of a large organisation with the approachability of a smaller personal adviser. We are proud of our heritage and our culture, and place emphasis upon delivering in time the quality service and meeting our client's needs and expectations.

Ours is a diverse practice with a strong reputation for advising Central and State Government Departments, Government owned enterprises, small and medium enterprises, entrepreneurs, owner managed businesses and large international businesses, including listed companies and non-profit organisations. A technically outstanding and client-focused practice that delivers proactive advice and solutions that are tailored to the needs of individual clients. We also have a team which understands and works in small and medium enterprises including startups.
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